Typically, I attend the “Big” International Motorcycle Show series that feature all the major manufactures which, normally, occurs in winter in my region of the world.  This year I will attend not only that show, but also the IMS Outdoor event as well. One reason is how starved I am for in person motorcycle events but also because a friend of this blog is going to be a presenter.

Progressive IMS Outdoors motorcycle shows are offering presentations on “RVing with motorcycles, sidecars, and trikes”.  Lucinda Belden is the new presenter, and her sidecar will be on center stage for a half hour show two times per day at each event.  From August – October she will be covering six event locations nationally talking about how RV and motorcycles work together.

Lucinda is the proprietor of “Direction Wide Open” or DWO. DWO is Lucinda’s, and her husband Will, place to share their RV and Motorcycle adventures with family, friends, and future friends.  They are two full-time RVers and avid motorcyclists, sidecarists (is that really a word?).

Lucinda is the proprietor of “Direction Wide Open” or DWO. DWO is Lucinda’s, and her husband Will, place to share their RV and Motorcycle adventures with family, friends, and future friends.  They are two full-time RVers and avid motorcyclists, sidecarists (is that really a word?).

I can’t congratulate Lucinda enough; it is always tough to get a break into any industry but through her and Will’s hard work she is going to be telling a story many of us will want to hear.

Please go to the International Motorcycle Show Outdoors website and if an event is near you check it out.

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