What you need to know: Lane Filtering is now legal in Colorado.

On April 4, 2024, the governor of Colorado signed into law a bill allowing motorcycles to filter between stopped cars in traffic and at stoplights. Colorado became the fifth state to legalize lane filtering, joining California, Utah, Montana, and Arizona.

The bill will go into effect on August 7, 2024. Motorcyclists will be allowed to filter through stopped traffic at a speed of 15 mph or less. 

However, this legislation will be subject to safety studies, and unless those studies work out favorably, it will automatically become illegal again in 2027.

My Take: I support lane filtering when it is safe and legal.  I like the idea that this time will be used to study the results of the new bill.  HOWEVER, not too sure if that is enough time to get a good sample data set AND how is the state going to inform/train the drivers of cars/trucks on the new law.


What you need to know: United States House Congressional Motorcycle Caucus increases in size.

With the recent gain of six new members, the House Motorcycle Caucus now has 36 members. 

Founded in 2009, “The House and Senate Motorcycle Caucuses host educational seminars and press events that shine a light on the issues facing the motorcycling community. The bipartisan membership of these caucuses allows us to know who our champions on Capitol Hill are and which legislators are committed to standing with us on critical issues.” (quote and list from the Motorcycle Riders Foundation)

My Take: If your representative is on the list AWESOME!  If not drop them a note and encourage them to join and work with our community.  My rep is not on the list, and I just sent a request asking why he is not.

Ride On, Ride Safe

purple motorcycle ijustwant2ride.com
  1. Ordinary Biker Oz says:

    I was able to ride in the Italian Alps in 2017 and there was A LOT of lane splitting and filtering. Since the public was aware and watchful I never felt in danger whilte doing either.

    The more states we can get on board it will become safer. We, motorcyclists, need to push for it in our states.

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