Posts Tagged ‘harley davison’

larDay three actually started at dinner because I was able to pass on the crazy hillbilly hat.  It was an ambush style pass off and was a lot of fun for everyone around, except Larry, Larry was not very happy.

ijustwant2ride.comThe next day started with an early 5:30 morning rise with the intent to be on the road by 6:45.  The reason for the early rise is that the Emmitsburg, Md Fire Department (Vigilant Hose Company) was providing the ride with a pancake breakfast.  This Fire Department started in 1757 and it was an honor to be associated with them!

ijustwant2ride.comAfter the breakfast stop we rode about a mile or so to the National Firefighters Memorial. The memorial was quite sobering. The names of all the firefighters killed on duty are engraved on pavers and there is a special section dedicated to NYFD killed on duty including those killed during 9/11.  The oldest documented casualty that I noticed was from the late 1700’s.

From there we were to ride to Groves Harley Davidson in Winchester, VA for lunch.  But, Debbie and I had a slight change of plans, we ran by our home to drop off dirty clothes and pack some clean clothes.  This was one of the benefits of a ride that is less than 20 minutes from your home. Groves had BBQ ready for us when we arrived and boy was it good.

From there we rode to the Luray Caverns.  Even though it is not far from home we had never been there before.  The cave tour came with a free pass to their car museum we had a good time.  The 54 degree cave was a pleasant break from the 85 degree temps outside.  If you decided to try the caverns please note that it is 1.2 mile trek with about a 160 foot elevation change….if you go down you got to come back up 🙂

Leaving Luray we traveled up a mountain with a lot of great twists and turns. Dropping down the other side we were just a few miles from our hotel, a shower and dinner.  It was another good day of travel, sites and riding!


Front side of Bilt Kevlar Pants

I bought a pair of Bilt’s Kevlar riding pants early this season (March 2013).  There were half off in a sales circular from Cycle Gear.

I have worn these pants as often as not on my rides Debbie and I have taken this year.

On the plus side:

* They are comfortable, after the first washing.

* In the heat of summer they were no worse than a pair of heavy denim jeans.

* In cool weather they cut the wind a bit (in the areas that have the Kevlar reinforcement).

On the minus side:

* The fit was OK, the legs were a bit long for me and they are not designed to allow for easy hemming with the Velcro cuffs.

* The kneepads sat well when riding but (due to length of the legs) fell below my knees and rubbed when I walked. I ended up removing the armor as it was very uncomfortable when I was off the bike.

On the Cycle Gear website the pants receive a 4.1 out of 5 rating and 4 is what I am giving them as well.  Let’s hope I will never have to review them post use!

All in all I like these pants enough to consider getting a second pair.

4 out 5