Posts Tagged ‘West Virginia Route 12’

Howard’s Twisted Tongue is also known as Howard’s Lick, Lost River State Park Road, and West Virginia Route 12 this is a technically difficult road to ride your motorcycle. It is an unmarked 1 to 2 lane road with multiple 180 switchbacks and hairpins.

I had never heard of Howard’s Twisted Tongue until a few days before we made the ride.  My riding buddy, Mark, discovered this ride on a map, it was close by and looked like it might be fun, so it was time to mount up and ride.

The weather on the day we took off for Howard’s Twisted Tongue was perfect for riding motorcycles.  It was partly sunny and early morning cool.

It did not take long to get to the road, and we knew from the start that it was going to be a bit of a challenge as it became a steep incline immediately.  I don’t know how high we climbed but my best guess would be between 800 and 1000 feet.

Did I mention multiple switchbacks and hairpins?  There are a bunch of tight turns, many are a little off camber, and most are ascending or descending steeply.  You need to watch yourself as many of these turns have gouges in the road from heavy vehicles or vehicles towing trailers. The road itself is, as I noted, unmarked, in mostly good condition but with some rough and potholed areas as well.

The climb up is well worth the ride, as you will ride along the ridge top for several miles.  The views from the top of the ridge are great and there are a surprising number of very expensive homes along the road.

After a few miles you will start the descent which will take you into Lost River State Park.  I have been to Lost River State Park in the past and I like to make the park a day ride destination.

Howard’s twisted tongue ends, for us, at the intersection of 12 and 259 at the town of Mathias.  If you are going to ride this road, be ready for some technical riding.  You will be in low gear for a lot of time. Make sure you get your head turned and remember to “look where you want to go”.


Ride on, Ride safe